July 22, 2008

Hip Hip Hurray!

Karel is two! We had a little party last Sunday to celebrate his birthday.
First, opening the presents (oh look, cars...!).

Then helping to make the birthday cake.

Blowing out the candles (with a little help from grandma).

And of course..... Eating the cake!

Today, he has a small afterparty at the child day care centre. I made felt keychain-softies and cards attached to little boxes of raisins to give to his friends.


  1. Happy Birthday little chap! I think two is such a special birthday - at one they don't really know what's going on but at two they really start to appreciate the fun - presents and cake! Love the little felt keychains, what a clever idea for party favours.

  2. twee alweer! Snel allemaal, toch?!

    Gefeliciteerd, en mooie taart!

    En wat een werk, al die poppetjes, ERG leuk!
