November 2, 2010


To announce the winners of the give away!
Due to a busy autumn holiday and being busy with the shop afterwards, I didn't have the time to do so, sorry! We enjoyed a culinairy weekend with friends at the Swarte Ruiter in Holten. Good food, good wines and good company, very nice!
And after the weekend we spent a week in a holiday home with the kids. Relaxing, swimming, indoor playground, even mini-golf (not my favourite, but the boys insisted to play!) and, as we were close to it, a visit to the Hertog Jan brewery. This picture was taken in their beer-cellar.

But now the most important part of this post, the winners....
The random number generator picked number 15 and 34, which are Kir and Tania. Congratulations ladies, I will contact you regarding you wishes!


  1. Oooooh, wat ben ik blij!
    Ga onmiddellijk eens tussen de linten snuffelen...

  2. Superrrrr! Ik ben ook superblij, en heb al eens goed rondgesnuffeld :)

  3. snif snif, ik zag dat Tania haar pakket al heeft gekregen en gemaakt en ik nog niet. Heb je mijn mails niet ontvangen?
