November 21, 2011
Feest bij VANMARIEKE, omdat we verhuisd zijn.... En bij feest hoort een cadeautje! Daarom krijg je tot eind november bij elke bestelling vanaf 15 euro een setje feestvlaggetjes van strijkvelours cadeau. Om je eigen feestelijke t-shirt mee te maken en trouwens ook erg leuk om te combineren met deze stof:
November 15, 2011
Nieuwe spullen
De laatste weken kwamen er veel nieuwe spullen binnen voor de shop, waaronder strijkvinyl in de matte variant, stofknoopjes in de allerkleinste maat (1,1 cm) en stoffen, heel veel stoffen!
Bij deze stof moest ik gelijk aan dit patroon denken, voor een kinderkookschort.
Ik maakte de schort al eerder voor mijn jongens en het leuke ervan is, dat de schort aan twee kanten te dragen is (dus je kunt er twee leuke stofjes voor gebruiken). Helemaal leuk als sintcadeau voor je keukenprins(es)!
November 10, 2011
It has been a long time since I posted a message here.
Well, because VANMARIEKE moved! From the attic from our home to a "real" office, situated in the centre of my beautiful city 's-Hertogenbosch. Since a few weeks I am working in the former hospital, a monumental building with a lot of history, and I love it! Here is a picture of the outside of the building:
I will tell you more about it in the coming posts.....
And..... Another change: I have been thinking about this quite a while and decided to stop writing in English and continue this blog in Dutch. Easier for me and hopefully it will help me to write a bit more.
September 25, 2011
100% heppie
100% heppie I certainly was with the brooch I ordered here. Lovely packed, it arrived in my mailbox last week.

Sadly enough, I already lost it....... I think that I didn't attach it well enough to the bag. How stupid of me! (I'll probably order a new one, or one of the lovely necklaces, a bit more safe ;)).
September 15, 2011
Delivery Bike
September 7, 2011
So Sweet
Of Helmi to send me these cute fabrics. She screenprinted the designs herself on vintage fabrics. And because the owl reminded her of my logo, she offered me to send me a piece (which became a few pieces). Now I only have to think of a nice way to use the fabrics, maybe on a bag or in an embroidery hoop as an artwork on the wall...... Thanks Helmi! A little present is (finally) on it's way to you too, hope you like it.
September 1, 2011
Almost Ready

I finally finished embroidering this deer. The only thing I have to do now is choose a nice fabric for the backside and make a pillow from it. Very retro, don't you think? I love it. And if you want to make a pillow like this for yourself, you can order it in the shop (the package comes with printed canvas, yarn, needle and instructions).
June 27, 2011
Workshop Weekend

Two workshops this weekend. The first one was for me, called "Blozende Stoffen" in the Stedelijk Museum 's-Hertogenbosch, inspired on the Scholten & Baijens exhibition over there (worth a visit if you are around! My favorite was the paper porcelain).

And the second workshop was for our eldest son in the Verkadefabriek during a festival about food and taste. Making a painting with fruits and vegetables.

June 10, 2011
A new order for the shop of the Textielmuseum to make fabric buttons, bobby pins, rings and magnets. And next to the "normal" fabric covered ones, I experimented a little with vintage embroidered tabelcloths and handkerchiefs. And they liked these a lot, a very good excuse for me to go searching for more embroidered fabrics in second hand shops again.
June 7, 2011

While we were enjoying some lovely days in Paris, you all left nice comments on this blog, hoping to win a metre of one of the new ByGraziela fabrics. 99 comments via this blog and 3 via Facebook, makes 102 comments in total (wow! I am impressed!). And the bad thing for 101 persons is that there is only one winner.... And it is: Marjolein! Congratulations!!
May 30, 2011
ByGraziela + Give Away

Yesterday, I added a new set of four new fabric to the shop.
These fabrics are from ByGraziela and are reprints of designs from the 70's.
The fabrics are extra wide (1,50 - 1,70 metre) and therefor very suitable for bedding and curtains (but also for pillows, bags, skirts, etc.....).

And to celebrate this new brand in the shop, I will give away one metre of one of these fabrics to one of you! All you have to do is to leave a comment here before or on Sunday June 5th and keep your fingers crossed. On Monday (June, 6), I will draw the lucky winner.

May 24, 2011
Retro Camping

Sometimes you find items on the internet that you have to share. Like this tent. I always liked to have a VW van to go camping with, but with two small kids it isn't very practical, because it is really small. This tent is a more practical alternative. Designed to look like a perfect 1:1 scale replica of their 1965 Camper Van and comes in your choice of red, yellow or blue. Available from August this year, so too late for our holiday, but still cute!
May 18, 2011
Unfinished projects
I made a start to finish several sewing projects that where laying around the house for quite a while (some already for more than a year). Like these fabric flags for a bunting. Perfect in time to decorate the garden with.
May 11, 2011

My sister asked me if I was interested in a knitting workshop. Sure, I am always interested in doing something creative. When I was young, I learnt how to knit, but because I am left-handed, I didn't learn much more than the basics. And that's where it all started again, at the basics. Knitting a scarf (for the winter, this time), with the perfect wool to start with, because you do not see any mistakes (which I made already of course). In the meanwhile, I really started to like knitting and I found a little book at the second hand store which will hopefully help me to try out different stitches. My goal is to make one of these, but knitted for myself (found via Vlijtig). Must be possible, right?
May 2, 2011
April 13, 2011

Martine from Artoek asked me if I was interested to receive a set of these cute foldable boats to send with my orders. What a question, of course! Look how cute they are! And the good news for you is that you will receive one with your order these coming weeks (until stock lasts). A little bit more about Artoek, which is an online shop, selling kids costumes and accessories and foldable paper products to put in treats for kids at school or at a party. And if you are looking for cool ideas for your kid to treat, go and check her weblog Traktatie.

April 6, 2011
Bits And Pieces

For the playroom, I decorated this type case (in Dutch: letterbak) with all kinds of small fabric pieces. I used Mod Podge (a kind of fabric glue, bought here) to glue the fabric pieces to the type case (which I luckily found in a second hand shop, already painted white). The boys can use it to store little toys in and it is a nice room decoration as well. The vintage telephone and the little wooden houses are from the second hand shop too and I used to play with the little red tea set when I was a kid myself.

March 23, 2011

Last friday, the VANMARIEKE shop celebrated her third birthday! Wow, wow, wow, time goes fast and still very happy with my shop.
In those three years, I have introduced lots of innovating sewing/DIY stuff, like iron-on velours, cover buttons and iron-on vinyl. And I will hopefully continue doing this with love for a lot more years!
Recent new additions are the do it yourself kits with screenprinted fabrics from the amazing Clothkits (in the picture my favourite skirt, designed by Rob Ryan):

And how about the Evergreen wrap, an eco-friendly wrap from cotton to wrap your presents in and to be reused as wrapper, scarf or bag:

To celebrate this anniversary, you will get a handy present with you order and if you order for more than 25 euros (excl. shipping) you will get a 5% discount as well (until friday 25/3)!
March 8, 2011
A bit too late

But back to draw a winner. I forgot that we had to celebrate carnaval last weekend.
Started with the kids, finally they both chose to be a knight. And a knight is not a knight without a horse! I made these sock-horses following this great tutorial.
And I never expected 73 comments on the give away, thanks to you all!
The winner is number 2, Irene from Bureau Knipoog, congratulations!
February 23, 2011
Inspiration - Edition Paumes Books & Give Away

Redecorating you house? Or a kids room? Or visiting Paris, Copenhagen or Stockholm?
Get inspired by one of these books, now available in the shop.
"With a poetic and original approach, édition PAUMES explores the environments of those who stimulate the creative industries and in doing has produced a set creative "bibles" that overflow with inspiration."
Good news, I will give away one Edition Paumes book (you can pick one)! Just leave a message on this blog before or on Friday, 4th of March and I will draw the lucky winner on Saturday 5 March.
give away,
things that make me happy
February 10, 2011

Since a little while I am the proud owner of a smartphone.
And of course I got a cover with it when I bought the phone, but that one was a rather dull.
And since a little while I am selling products from Larie! , like "Strijkies" and "Kneepatches".

And.... she happens to make keycords and phonecovers too!
So, when I was ready to order there, I ordered a cover and a cord for myself, you need to spoil yourself once in a while right?
February 8, 2011

Yesterday, I had a nice lunch with my niece Kristel at the Verkadefabriek.
She also brought me a bag of very yummy homemade chocolate - black pepper cookies. Nicely packed in a paperbag, decorated with one of her own (selfmade) stamps. Thanks Kristel!
January 26, 2011
Redecorating (2)

A few more cool items that we used to decorate the playroom for the boys with.
First, a cable car that we bought in an amazing shop selling retro style stuff in Germany, called Manufactum.

In the background a poster from Swedish designer Ingela, called Circus (bought here).

And to play on, jump on, read on or build houses with I have covered a mattress (cut in two parts) and some pillows with fabrics that the boys chose themselves.
January 18, 2011

Bit by bit, we are redecorating our house. The boys are now sleeping together in a tiny little bedroom in a bunk bed (stapelbed) and this gave us the possibility to make a playroom from a former (bigger) bedroom. To store all the toys, lego, cars etc. in, we bought an Ikea (of course) closet with storage containers and to make it a bit more special we bought a LEGO storage container here. Really cool, don't you think?

January 11, 2011
January 3, 2011
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